How many times have you wished you could find cheaper auto insurance? The cost of insuring an auto is expensive to begin with, and if you have any blemishes or a DUI on your record, your rates will go sky high. There are several ways to save money on auto insurance, all it takes is a little footwork on your part.
Reassess what kind of car you are driving. Your car insurance premiums may be based on what kind of car you are driving. Sportier cars or SUV’s can carry higher premiums because they have more liability and they are generally more expensive to replace or fix when they have been damaged.
One great and underrated way to save on your monthly auto insurance premiums is to join an automobile club. Especially if you are driving a classic or rare vehicle, joining an auto club will allow you to join with a group discounted rate, ultimately saving you hundreds of dollars annually on your insurance premiums.
Never drive your car without liability insurance. This insurance type can save you a lot of money as the insurance company pays the damages you caused to someone. Without this insurance type, you would be liable for all the costs. Choose the coverage that is right for you and your unique situation.
Do the math before filing an insurance claim to see if it is worth it. Insurance companies love to raise rates on drivers who file claims, it’s the nature of the industry. Avoid making claims that aren’t going to net you much money back. If you are filing a claim for two hundred dollars, is it really worth the extra premiums you’ll pay in the future?
Most auto insurance policies are actually issued on the particular driver who buys the insurance, not the car itself. If you loan someone your vehicle to drive, your insurance policy has the right to deny making payments if a collision occurs while they are driving. You can get a policy that allows other people to take the wheel of your car, but it costs more for that coverage.
Before purchasing a car, check the insurance rates that come with it. The premium amount varies between different vehicles. This is because some vehicles are more accident prone than others. Also, if is is appropriate try to stay clear of purchasing trucks or SUVs. Insurance rates are much higher on them.
Truck Insurance
A great way to save some money on your car or truck insurance is to drive your vehicle less frequently. Many of today’s best auto insurance companies offer discounts to customers for low-mileage, incentivizing people to keep their cars parked. If you can walk instead of drive, you can get some good exercise and save money on your insurance.
Many families have a long list of financial obligations to meet, and cannot spend a lot on auto insurance. With the tips above, you may find it’s easier than you thought to save money on your auto insurance. Cutting your rates could mean you need to make changes such as finding a new insurer, but saving money on auto insurance gives you more cash to treat yourself to a well-deserved reward.